Environment, Health and Safety

NYLI is committed,

to operating in a way that safeguards our people and protects the environment. We realize that environmental impact, climate change, and the health and safety of our employees and communities are among our most important sustainability focus areas. Our ongoing commitment to safety and sustainability is embedded in our business practices and reflects our belief that our long-term success will be measured not only by financial performance, but also by a continued focus on good corporate citizenship for our customers, employees, suppliers and the communities where we all live and work.

To achieve a zero injury and incident culture, and to meet our environmental goals, we are committed to integrating sound Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) practices into our everyday activities with our stakeholders in the following ways.

Our Employees

Work to prevent accidents and injuries by ensuring safe work, conditions and behaviors.

Minimize our environmental footprint in our own operations and during our product distribution and logistics by: implementing sound pollution prevention programs targeted at waste, energy and water conservation; reducing the use of non renewable natural resources; increasing the reuse and recycling of materials; and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other environmentally harmful emissions.

Establish and implement enterprise-wide engineering, maintenance and EHS standards that are robust, scientifically sound, and protective of the environment, and human health.

Establish EHS incident, crisis and hazard management and response plans. In the event of an EHS incident, we will take appropriate corrective actions to prevent recurrence at the specific location, as well as across the enterprise.

Provide training to employees to support compliance with this policy as well as our EHS standards, programs and management practices.

Our Customers

Collaborate with our customers to develop and provide products and services that help meet or exceed their EHS objectives.

Strive to continually improve the environmental performance of our products. 

Our Supply Chain Vendors and Business Partners

Expect our vendors, business partners, contractors, service providers and distributors to uphold their commitment to comply with our EHS policies.

Collaborate with our suppliers to improve their EHS programs and performance and achieve mutual value from sound EHS practices.

Our Communities 

Communicate our EHS policy to all our employees, business associates, customers Regulatory Authorities Comply with or exceed requirements of global,

national, state, and local statutes, regulations, and standards which protect the environment, human health and safety. In all cases, whether or not

applicable laws and regulations exist, we will apply sound EHS management practices.

Conduct regular internal and third-party audits to   verify compliance with EHS regulatory requirements and company standards.

Monitor emerging issues and keep abreast of regulatory changes and technological innovations.

Roles and Responsibilities: Our Enterprise EHS staff, led by CEO Operations and Integrated Supply Chain, is responsible for establishing this policy, governing compliance and reviewing the company’s EHS performance with business unit leadership on a regular basis. Executive level managers are responsible and held accountable for implementing this policy, allocating adequate resources and implementation. Managers and supervisors are responsible for EHS performance in their areas of responsibility and are expected to demonstrate behavior that is consistent with a culture of EHS performance. Additionally, management roles and responsibilities for EHS are clearly defined, as necessary, within company policies, job descriptions and profiles. These roles and responsibilities will be adequately assessed, controlled and monitored and our people will be clearly involved on matters that affect any of the EHS aspects. Lastly, our employees are responsible for integrating sound EHS practices into their everyday activities.

Goals and Targets

In order to combat climate change, we continually set targets, and measure, manage and communicate our performance accordingly. We strive to achieve our health and safety objective of Zero Injury and Incident across the organization. To ensure consistent improvement in our EHS performance, we ensure our EHS Management System conforms to both ISO 14001, ISO9001 and ISO17025 standards. We continually engage diverse customer groups to get their inputs and feedback on our EHS performance.

Through this commitment to ensure the safety, health and environmental sustainability, and overall well-being of our employees and business partners, NYLI reaffirms its corporate sustainability commitments toward business excellence and being a truly responsible global corporate citizen.

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed.

Andreas Thorn



Joakim Thorn

Chief Executive Officer

Dated: January 2019